Retrospective Dissertation - Part 1: Introduction

Posted on Sun 05 July 2020 in retrodiss

0. Introduction

By chance, I happened to stumble across some Python code I wrote back some time around 2012-2013. It was related to my dissertation research involving probabilistic forecasting of tornadic activity up to 10 days in advance. I remember setting up scripts that generated the predictions and sending it off to NOAA/ESRL, where they ran for over three years as part of an experimental product.

There were some interesting, uh, quirks to that code. I had programmed mostly in Fortran 77/90 up to that point. It was suggested to me by my graduate school mentor to learn Python, and I definitely did a great job programing Fortran in Python. Some other cringe-worthy parts of the code include:

  • Non-descriptive variable names, which I likely inherited from the F77 code my advisor provided me.
  • Not a lot of documentation, either in-line comments or for the functions themselves. Combined with the non-descriptive variable names, this makes it really difficult to figure out what the hell is going on (and this is my research).
  • I didn't write any tests, and honestly I had no idea that one could write tests for code back then.
  • Loops... lots and lots and lots of loops, despite using numpy and having vectorized computation being an option.

Let's look at an example from a function that ran on Python 2.6's multiprocessing built-in module. This code did the following:

  • Used gridded forecast fields to determine what weather patterns predicted on a certain day were the most similar to what we've seen in the past,
  • Used a gridded tornado observation data set as labels for our post-processing model,
  • Called a FORTRAN 90 submodule (?) using a shared memory array (???) to run these predictions across multiple days at a time.

This is a verbatim copy/paste from the code I found:

# --- First, let's define the function that will call to our fortran subroutine forthe multiprocessing part...
def mp_analog(trainField,fcstField,svrField,dateIdxs,fcstIdxs,idxbuffer,members,n_members,iNum,jNum,datenum,dateIdxNum,\
        dum_probs = mp_ra(trainField,fcstField,svrField,dateIdxs,fcstIdxs,idxbuffer,members,n_members,\
        with lock:
            print "writing process {}".format(os.getpid())
            probs[int(t_start-1)*n_members*iNum*jNum:int(t_end)*n_members*iNum*jNum] = dum_probs.reshape(-1)

# --- Now, we call another function to do the heavy lifting of the multiprocessing part...
def analog(trainField,svrField,dateIdxs,fcstIdxs,idxbuffer,members,n_members,iNum,jNum,datenum,dateIdxNum,\
        nproc = mp.cpu_count() # --- Need to find out how many cores we're working with
        t_nums = np.floor(np.linspace(1,fcst_count,nproc+1)) # --- Basically, the starting/ending index for each job
        arr = mp.Array('d',fcst_count*n_members*iNum*jNum,lock=True) # --- The eventual array we will be sending into the netCDF4 file
        processes = [] # --- List of jobs
        for i in range(nproc):
            t_start = t_nums[i]
            t_end = t_nums[i+1]
            fcstnum = (t_end-t_start)+1
            print t_start,t_end
            lock = mp.Lock()
            p = mp.Process(target=mp_analog,args=(trainField,trainField[t_start-1:t_end,...],svrField,dateIdxs[t_start-1:t_end,...],fcstIdxs[t_start-1:t_end,...],\
        for i in processes:
        shared_arr = np.frombuffer(arr.get_obj())
        shared_arr = shared_arr.reshape(fcst_count,n_members,iNum,jNum)
        return shared_arr

Like, looking at that code above, how much easier would it have been if things like xarray and dask existed and, more importantly, I knew how to use them? It's been at least six years since I wrote some of that code. Since then, I've worked in tech as a research meteorologist, quantiative researcher, tech/team lead, and research scientist. I've learned a whole lot from some very amazing colleagues about writing Python, statistics and machine learning, how to approach data science projects, reproducibility, version control (!!!), and making the transition from data science research to production-based systems. It got me thinking...

...knowing what I know now and using tools that currently exist, how would I tackle the research problem my dissertation research was based on?

1. Oh God, Why?

I'll admit, this sounds a whole hell of a lot more sadistic than ambitious. Graduate school is rarely a good time for anyone, as any statistic about the impact on one's mental health during grad school will show. I was no different, and the impacts still affect me to this day.

However, there are three important reason to me to go through this exercise:

  • I'm a huge proponent of open science, and I've long felt that I have done myself and the field a disservice by not having more of this out in the open.
  • I've been very fortunate to have a lot of great mentors and colleagues over the years. Not everyone is as fortunate, so I'm hoping I can pass along and share the amazing advice, wisdom, and experiences to others.
  • It's important for my mental health to recognize how far I've come since graduate school. For a long time, I let the habits, fears, and insecurities from graduate school define me (e.g. no work-life balance, imposter syndrome, etc.). I'm considering this a kind of exorcising of my grad school demons.

2. What Will We Be Doing?

Specifically, we will work towards generating skillful probabilistic predictions of tornadic activity within a specific radius of a point roughly five days in advance. We will be collecting/cleaning/aggregating data, performing exploratory data analysis, engineering features, developing and evaluating model performance. What I won't be doing is re-writing my entire dissertation (lol).

Given the nature of this problem, it's important to make note of what this is and isn't:

  • This IS a retrospective investigation, so while the end goal is to develop a model with predictive skill...
  • This IS NOT a forecast product! You should always refer to the Storm Prediction Center and your local National Weather Service office for actual forecasts of severe weather.

3. Tools We'll Be Using

We are going to be using two main datasets:

  • GEFS Reforecast Dataset: Reforecasts are retrospective weather forecasts that use a "frozen" numerical weather prediction (NWP) model. Using the same parameterizations and data assimilation methods, this keeps the systematic biases from the NWP model the same across the entire dataset. With a large enough number of these retrospective forecasts, we have a better chance of sampling less common events.

  • SPC Tornado Reports: The Storm Prediction Center (SPC) provides information about severe weather events in the form of "storm reports." These reports mostly require volunteer reports (especially in the case of severe hail and wind events), but also come in the form of damage surveys after severe weather events.

The exploratory data analysis, feature engineering, and model development will all be done in Python, with Jupyter notebooks provided in the associated GitHub repo.